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Business Policy

Company principles

The fiwa) group is committed to the highest standards of quality and observes its responsibility towards people and the environment. This includes, first and foremost, compliance with applicable laws, fair treatment, and promotion of employees, observance of human rights and avoidance of discrimination, creation of optimised working conditions, observance of occupational safety, health and environmental protection, fair conduct in competition, rejection of corruption and bribery, as well as sustainable management concerning business processes and in procurement.

These goals are qualified based on the definition of short-, medium- and long-term planning measures by the management. The company management and each individual employee must make a significant contribution to this through personal commitment.

Through a functioning management system, which is regularly monitored and further developed, we ensure the prevention of environmental and property damage.

To implement our goals, we train our employees so that they can carry out their activities consciously and responsibly. The effects of current actions and measures taken are regularly monitored, assessed, and continuously improved.


Principles of the Company:
  • Quality through Thought and Action
    To achieve the quality goals, all employees must be trained to think and act in a customer- and quality-oriented manner.
  • Quality by Leadership
    Leaders are role models for their staff Leaders must formulate clear, achievable goals and support staff in realising these goals. Leaders are responsible for the fulfilment of these goals.
  • Service Quality
    Is the customer-oriented and economic supply of market needs that is necessary to place our service with the customer at the right time, with the right characteristics, and in the right quantity
  • Staff Quality
    We promote equal opportunities and equal treatment and prevent discrimination against employees in recruitment and promotion. No employee is discriminated against because of their gender, age, skin colour, culture, sexual identity, religion, or physical limitations.
    We also provide training to ensure that our employees have the necessary skills to carry out our services.
    We guarantee remuneration for services in line with the market, a balanced relationship between working hours and rest periods as well as optimal working conditions.
  • Safety, Health, and Environmental Protection
    Is an integral part of the company's overall policy, as is the effort to continuously improve SHE standards. No matter how urgent or important an activity is, it can and should be carried out in such a way that everyone involved remains unharmed, but also that environmental and property damage is avoided. This refers not only to the prevention of accidents and near-accidents but also to occupational diseases and workplace-related health hazards. The design of workplaces according to ergonomic aspects is just as much a concern for us as the prompt provision of personal protective equipment with a constant effort to improve the SHE standard.
  • Fair Business Practices
    We undertake not to engage in anti-competitive activities, guarantee the accuracy of our marketing and advertising messages, protect the data of our business partners and suppliers and respect their property rights. We do not accept or grant gifts and invitations, in exceptional cases only if they are appropriate to the occasion and scope and do not violate legal or ethnic regulations.
  • Child Labour
    We prohibit any kind of child labour in our company.
  • Sustainable Procurement
    When purchasing products and services, we ensure that this is done sustainably, i.e. in a way that protects the environment and conserves resources, to preserve an intact environment for future generations.
    This is implemented through careful demand planning, preference for products made from recycled raw materials, attention to short supply routes, long service life, and the possibilities to recycle the product at the end of its service life.
  • Suppliers and Subcontractors
    fiwa) group requires that its suppliers comply with the aforementioned principles and requirements and pass them on to their subcontractors.