Quality management
Certificates and approvals
From an early stage, the requirements of our customers, as well as the responsibility of the environment and occupational safety towards people, have led to a pronounced awareness of quality and safety at the fiwa) group.
This own commitment to the excellent quality of our services was the reason for getting certified according to the guidelines of the quality standard DIN EN ISO9001:2015 Quality management.
TfS – Together for Sustainability

The fiwa) group is one of the successfully certified partners of the "Together for Sustainability" initiative.
This project aims to create a globally uniform assessment, based on various established global principles, which improves the responsible procurement of goods and services as well as the improvement of ecological and social standards among suppliers in the chemical industry.
For details see tfs-initiative.
Certified creditworthiness of the fiwa)group through CrefoZert

The fiwa)group has been a consistent and reliable partner for its customers in the market for 45 years. We value quality, sustainability, and a trusting relationship with our partners, customers, and employees. Financial reliability is one of the most important prerequisites for a good business relationship.
Our business success has confirmed this and made us one of 1.7 percent of German companies that can be certified as having an exceptionally good credit rating.
True to the motto: "Trust is good, control is better", we signal our financial reliability with this seal of creditworthiness, issued by independent third parties. Stability and security, from planning to invoicing, are what distinguish us. This creates and strengthens the trust of our partners and interested parties.
More information you will find at www.creditreform.de